Quality Assessment and Validation
1. H. Krutz, K. Cammann, G. Donnevert, W. Funk, H. Hebbel, B. Kolloch, P.G. Laubereau, S. Leichtfiiß, V. Neitzel, H.H. Rump: „Chemometrie in der Wasseranalytik“, Vom Wasser 72, 125-43 (1989)
2. K. Cammann: “Comments on Instrument-Zeroing and Blank Correction Methods in Trace Analysis”, Fresenius Z Anal Chem 312, 515-16 (1982)
3. K. Cammann, H. Müller: “Reduzierter Kalibrieraufwand in der Gaschromatographie durch Einsatz eines elementselektiven Plasma-Emissions-Detektors“, Fresenius Z Anal Chem 331,336-41 (1988)
4. A.Grömping, K. Cammann: “Development and Comparison f Different Fluorimetric HPLC-Methods with Standard Methods for the Determination of Formaldehyde in the Atmosphere”, Chromatographia 35,142-48 (1993)
5. K. Cammann, K. Hübner: “False results in headspace-gas Chromatographic analysis of trihalomethanes in swimming pool water due to elevated headspace temperatures”, J Chromatogr 648, 294-98 (1993)
6. U. Karst, N. Binding, K. Cammann, U. Witting: “Interferences of nitrogen dioxide in the determination of aldehydes and ketones by sampling on 2,4-dinitrophenyl-hydrazine-coated solid sorbent”, Fresenius J Anal Chem 345, 48-52 (1993)
7. U. Kunz, K. Cammann: “Comparison of different analytical methods for the determination of formaldehyde in indoor air”, Indoor Air 1993, Helsinki, Finland, Proceedings of Indoor Air 93, Vol. 2, 333-38 (1993)
8. H. Meyer, K. Cammann: “Mysteries in Potentiometric immunoassay”, SEAC Communications 10, 8-9 (1993)
9. D. Erber, L.Quick, J. Roth, F. Winter, K. Cammann: “The Wickbold combustion method for the determination of mercury under statistical aspects”, Fresenius J Anal Chem 349, 502-509 (1994)
10. K. Cammann: “Sources of systematic errors in chemical sensor chemometrics”, Sensors and Actuators B 25, 769-772 (1995)
11. D. Erber, J. Bettmer, K. Cammann: „Einfluss der Blindwertkorrektur auf die Richtigkeit von Messergebnissen in der Routineanalytik“, GIT-Fachz.Lab. 39(4), 340-49 (1995)
12. K. Cammann: „Qualitätsverbesserung durch Akkreditierung ?“, Labor-Praxis 23, Suppl. Labor 2000 (1999), 99-105
13. K. Cammann, W. Kleiböhmer: “The need for quality assurance in analytical research and development”, Accred Qual Assur 2, 262-263, 1997;
14. J. Szpunar, J. Bettmer, M. Robert H. Chassaigne, K. Cammann, R. Lobinski, O.F.X. Denard: “Validation of the determination of copper and zinc in blood and urine by ICP-MS with cross-flow and direct injection nebulization”, Talanta 44, 1389-1396, 1997;
15. D. Erber, J. Roth, K. Cammann: “Quality assurance system for a decomposition method as demonstrated for the Wickbold combustion technique”, Accred Qual Assur, 2, Springer-Verlag, 1997;
16. K. Cammann, W. Kleiböhmer: “Need for quality management in research and development”, Accred Qual Assur 3, 353/1-3, 1998;