Developments of novel spectroscopic and chromatographic methods
1. K. Cammann, L. Lendero, H. Feuerbacher, K. Ballschmiter: „Power-Modulated Microwave-Induced Plasma with Enhanced Sensitivity and Practicability as an Element-Specific GC-Detector”, Fresenius Z Anal Chem 316,194-200 (1983)
2. K. Cammann, L. Lendero, K. Ballschmiter: „Microwave-Induced Plasma as GC-Detector with Very High Element-Specificity”, Mikrochim Acta 1,107-17 (1984)
3. L. Ilcheva, K. Cammann: „A simple, selective and sensitive liquid chromatographic or flow-injection detector for chloro-organic Compounds based on Ion-Selective Electrodes”, Fresenius Z Anal Chem 325,11-14 (1986)
4. H. Müller, K. Cammann: “Development of a Plasma Emission Gas Chromatographic Detector for the Simultaneous, Selective Detection of Chlorine, Bromine and Carbon”, J Anal Atom Spectrom 3, 907-13 (1988)
5. M. Bradter, W. Buscher, M. Faust, F. Winter, K. Cammann: „Der Plasma-Emissions-Detektor (PED) als elementselektiver Detektor für die hochauflösende Kapillar-Gaschromatographie“, GIT Fachz Lab 33, 166 -69 (1989)
6. M. Bradter, W. Buscher, K. Cammann, M. Faust, F. Winter: „New Studies on the Plasma Emission Detector”, Mikrochim Acta III, 215-22 (1989)
7. P. Stilkenböhmer, K. Cammann: “The plasma emission GC-detector for selective determination of hydrogen containing organic Compounds”, Fresenius Z Anal Chem 335, 764-68 (1989)
8. W. Kleiböhmer, K. Cammann: „Trennung und Bestimmung zinnorganischer Verbindungen durch HPLC und fluorimetrische Detektion in micellaren Systemen“, Fresenius Z Anal Chem 335, 780-84 (1989)
9. K. Cammann, W. Kleiböhmer: “Supercritical fluid chromatography of polychlorinated biphenyls on packed columns”, J Chromatogr 522, 267-75 (1990)
10. K. Cammann, W. Kleiböhmer: „Supercritical fluid Chromatographic Separation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) using a negative temperature gradient for density programming”, J High Res Chromatogr 14, 327-29 (1991)
11. M. Robecke, K. Cammann: “Determination of tetraethyl-lead and tetra methyl-lead using high Performance liquid chromatography and electrochemical detection”, Fresenius Z Anal Chem 341, 555-58 (1991)
12. F. Winter, L. Quick, M. Bradter, K. Cammann: “Frequenzselektive simultane Multielement-Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie“, in: B. Welz (Hrsg): 6. Colloquium Atomspektrometrische Spurenanalytik Konstanz 1991, S. 489-95, Perkin-Elmer, Überlingen (1991)
13. K. Cammann, M. Faust, K. Hübner: „Optical-System Developments for Plasma Emission Detection in High-Resolution Gas Chromatography”, in: P.C. Uden (ed): Element-Specific Chromatographic Detection by Emission Spectroscopy, ACS Symposium Ser. 479, Chp. 6, pp. 105-6 (1992)
14. K. Cammann: “Analytical Chemistry – today’s definition and interpretation”, Fresenius J Anal Chem 343, 810-11 (1992)
15. W. Kleiböhmer, K. Cammann, J. Roberts, E. Mussenbrock: „Determination of explosives residues in soils by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatrography”, J Chromatogr 638, 349-56 (1993)
16. R. Lehnert, L. Quick, T. Rump, F. Winter, K. Cammann: “Background correction in frequency modulated simultaneous atomic absorption spectrometry”, Fresenius J Anal Chem 346, 392-95 (1993)
17. J. Bettmer, K. Cammann, M. Robecke: “Determination of organic ionic lead and mercury species with high-performance liquid chromatography using sulphur reagents”, J Chromatogr 654, 177-82 (1993)
18. D. Erber, L. Quick, J. Roth, K. Cammann: “Kontaminationsfreier und selektiver Aufschluss von Blei mit der Wickbold-Methode und Bestimmung mit der Fließinjektions-Hydrid-Technik“, CANAS 1993, Colloquium Analytische Atomspektroskopie, S. 557-64, Universität Leipzig und UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle (1993)
19. L. Quick, R. Lehnert, T. Rump, F. Winter, K. Cammann: „Frequenzselektive Multielement-AAS (FremsAAS) mit Elektrothermischer Atomisierung und Deuterium-Untergrund-Kompensation“, CANAS 1993, Colloquium Analytische Atomspektroskopie, S. 633-38, Universität Leipzig und UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle (1993)
20. K. Cammann, W. Kleiböhmer, E.Mussenbrock: „Die micellare elektrokinetische Kapillarchromatographie – eine Konkurrenz für die HPLC?“, GIT Fachz Lab 38 (3), 162-70 (1994)
21. M. Arnold, K. Cammann, W. Kleiböhmer: „The plasma emission detector (PED) as an element-selective detector for supercritical fluid chromatography”, Fresenius J Anal Chem 348, 546-48 (1994)
22. K. Cammann, W. Kleiböhmer, E. Mussenbrock, B. Roß, F. Zuther: „Fast Chromatographic Separation techniques as competitors to chemical and biochemical sensor Systems”, Fresenius J Anal Chem 349, 338-45 (1994)
23. D. Erber, J. Bettmer, K. Cammann: „Sensitive detection of ionic organic-lead compounds by coupling hydride generation (HG) with transversely heated graphite atomizer-atomic absorption spectrometry (THGAAAS”, Fresenius J Anal Chem 349, 738-42 (1994)
24. A. Kruse, N. Buschmann, K. Cammann: „Separation of Different Types of Surfactants by Thin Layer Chromatography”, J Plan Chromatogr Vol 7, 22-4 (1994)
25. J. Bettmer, K. Cammann: “Transversely heated graphite atomizer-atomic absorption spectrometry (THGA-AAS) in combination with flow injection analysis system-hydride generation (FIAS-HG) as a reliable screening method for organic lead compounds”, Appl Organomet Chem Vol 8, 615-20 (1994)
26. J. Bettmer, M. Robecke, K. Cammann: “Simultaneous determination of organic ionic lead and mercury species using HPLC”, Fresenius J Anal Chem 350, 30-33 (1994)
27. U. Pinkemell, U. Karst, K. Cammann: “Determination of Peroxyacetic Acid Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with External Calibration”, Analytical Chemistry, 66, No. 15, 2599-2602 (1994)
28. M. Arnold, W. Kleiböhmer, K. Cammann: „A Simple Large Volume Injection System with a Solid-Phase Sample Loop for Packed Column Supercritical Fluid Chromatography”, Chromatographia 39 (9/10) 11 (1994)
29. H. Edel, L. Quick, K. Cammann: “Frequency –modulated simultaneous multi-element atomic absorption spectrometry using electro-thermal atomizer and deuterium background correction”, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 351, 479-483 (1995)
30. H.Edel, L. Quick, K. Cammann: “Simultaneous multi-element determination in complex matrices using frequency-modulated electro-thermal atomic absorption spectrometry”, Anal. Chim. Acta 310, 181-187 (1995)
31. D. Erber, L. Quick, F. Winter, K. Cammann: “Investigations for the determination of lead by in situ hydride trapping within a graphite electro-thermal atomizer for routine analysis”, Talanta, 42, 927-936 (1995)
32. D.Erber, K.Cammann: “On-line pre-concentration of Nickel by carbonyl vaporization with flow injection and continuous flow analysis Systems in combination with sensitive determination by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry”, Analyst, Vol. 120, 2699-2705 (1995)
33. K.D. Ohls, H. Edel, K. Cammann: “High-Tech für’s Labor”, Labo-Trend, (6)4-12 (1995)
34. D. Rieping, J. Bettmer, W. Buscher, K. Cammann: „Entwicklung eines einfachen atomemissionsspekroskopischen Detektors für die Gaschromatographie“, GIT-Fachz. Lab 3 (2), 95-98 (1995)
35. J. Bettmer, M. Bradter, W. Buscher, D. Erber, D. Rieping, K. Cammann: „GC-MIP-PED as an element-specific system for the determination of organic mercury compounds”, Appl. Organomet. Chem.,Vol. 9, 541-545 (1995)
36. F. Lepkojus, N. Watanabe, W. Buscher, K. Cammann, G. Böhm: “A simple radiofrequency helium discharge plasma (RFP) for spectroscopic purposes”, J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom. 14, 9 (1999), 1511-1513
37. Trost, A., W. Kleiböhmer, K. Cammann: “Liquid chromatographic isolation of coplanar PCB congeners on an activated carbon stationary phase”, Fresenius J Anal Chem 359, 249-253, 1997;
38. B. Rosenkranz, J. Bettmer, W. Buscher, C.B. Breer, K. Cammann: “The Behaviour of Different Organometallic Compounds in the Presence of Inorganic Mercury (II): Transalkylation of Mercury Species and their Analysis by the GC-MIP-PED System”, Appl. Organometal. Chem., Vol.11, 7221-725, 1997;
39. B. Rosenkranz, C. B. Breer, W. Buscher, J. Bettmer, K. Cammann: “The Plasma Emission Detector – A Suitable Detector for Speciation and Sum Parameter Analysis”, JAAS Septemberï97, Vol. 12, No.9, 993-996, 1997;
40. H.G. Riepe, D. Erber, J. Bettmer, K. Cammann: “Screening-method for organotins by elimination of the inorganic tin matrix using a coupling of hydride generation (HG) and transversely heated graphite atomizer - atomic absorption spectrometry (THGA - AAS)”, Fres J Anal Chem 359, 239-243, 1997;
41. H.G. Riepe, D. Erber, J. Bettmer, K. Cammann: „Entwicklung einer routineanalytischen spektrometrischen Screening-Methode zur Bestimmung von Organozinnverbindungen in atmosphärischen Proben“ in Welz, B.(Hrsg.) CANAS 97, Colloquium Analytische Atomspektroskopie, Bodenseewerk Perkin-Elmer GmbH, ISSN-O945-2524, 185-195, 1997;
42. T. Twiehaus, W. Buscher, H. Edel, K. Cammann: „Gefriertrocknung von beladener Aktivkohle als alternative Trocknungsmethode bei der AOX-Bestimmung mit plasmaemissionsspektroskopischer Detektion“ Vom Wasser 89, 49-61, 1997;
H. Lehnert, T. Twiehaus, D. Rieping, W. Buscher, K. Cammann: “Thermal de-sorption and atomic emission spectrometric determination of absorbable organically bound elements (AOE) for water analysis”, CSI '97 Melbourne / Australien, The Analyst 123, 637-640, 1998;